The amount of garbage going from Kitimat homes to the landfill could soon drop by two-thirds. That’s the goal of a new curbside waste program rolling out this spring.
“2021 will see big changes to how most Kitimat residents will manage their garbage,” reads an announcement this week from the city. “These changes include adding yard waste collection service this spring, and then adding recycling and food scraps collection in the fall.”

The program officially starts in May. “Yard waste, which includes grass clippings, leaves, and small trimmings, will need to be set out for collection in large paper yard waste bags available at most local grocery and hardware stores, or residents can use their own plastic garbage cans,” the city explains.
This yard waste will get composted, meaning less garbage piling up in the landfill.

The new program also lowers “the maximum amount of weight of each container set out for collection to 23 kg (50 lb), whether it’s garbage or yard waste. This change is to ensure the safety of the waste collectors,” the city says.
Residents are greeting the announcement positively but some have questions. “Great news, much needed. Will [the District of Kitimat] be providing bear-proof bins to residents for food scraps?
More curbside waste with the same lack of enforcement will undoubtedly lead to an increase in human-wildlife conflict and food conditioned bears around town,” Chris Thompson wrote on Facebook.
Further details will be coming next month.