It may not seem like it sometimes, but B.C. is making real progress on getting people vaccinated against COVID. Nearly 84,000 people in the province are fully vaccinated and more than 108,000 people have received at least one dose.
The province is now moving into Phase 2 of the vaccine roll-out. That means that a much larger group of people will soon be eligible–including seniors aged 80 and above.

“We can now see the light at the end of what has been a difficult and challenging time for us all,” BC Public Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said this week.
Throughout March, the following groups of people can start booking vaccine appointments:
March 8, 2021: Seniors born in or before 1931 (90 years+)/Indigenous peoples born in or before 1956 (65 years+) may call to book their vaccine appointment.
March 15, 2021: Seniors born in or before 1936 (85 years+) may call to book their vaccine appointment.
March 22, 2021: Seniors born in or before 1941 (80 years+) may call to book their vaccine appointment.
People can book their vaccine appointment by calling 1-844-255-7555 between 7am and 7pm, seven days a week.
You’ll need to present:
==> a first and last name,
==> date of birth,
==> postal code,
==> personal health number, and
==> an email address or phone number.
More information can be found here.
The province is also expanding the list of workers who can receive the vaccine. The list now includes dentists, pharmacy technicians, paramedia, firefighters, and retired nurses.

This has been a tough year for everyone but the fight against the pandemic is being slowly won.
“Phase 2 is right on schedule, and we are working closely with each of the regional health authorities to make sure that they have the tools and resources needed to safely and efficiently book appointments,” said Dr. Penny Ballem, executive lead for B.C.’s immunization plan.