A reader wrote to us this week to vent.
“The weather–it totally sucks here, has sucked all summer and the forecast is for the weather to continue to suck, everyone is complaining about it,” he said.
No kidding. The latest forecast for Terrace is rain, rain, rain–and then a bit more rain. Most nights this week will see temperatures drop to 11C. That’s curling-up-in-bed-with-a-sweater-on weather.
“You’re not imagining it,” Environment Canada senior climatologist Dave Phillips recently told The Interior News. “It’s been a real miserable kind of summer, no question about it.”
According to Phillips’ calculations, the mean daily temperature high for June, July and August has been about 18.8C, which is two degrees cooler than the 20.8C average for the past 30 years. There have only been 20 days so far of above 20C temperatures.
And on top of that there have been 45 days of rain compared to an average of 32.
Adding insult to injury, the abnormally cool and wet weather has taken place during one of the warmest summers worldwide ever recorded. July 2020, the NOAA calculates, was “the second highest July global temperature since records began in 1880.”
Oh goody. We’re happy for the globe. But that still doesn’t make it any less wet & cold here in the Skeena.