July 1 was a bit different than usual this year in Prince Rupert. Instead of celebrating Canada Day, hundreds of people came out to an event to recognize the victims and survivors of residential schools.
Local drone operator Northcoast Drone was on the scene, and they shot amazing visuals of the large crowd walking through Prince Rupert.
“Was truly a privilege to film this amazing event,” Northcoast writes of the event, which was organized by Every Child Matters: Prince Rupert. “People of all nations, races and colours. All wearing orange shirts and walking together down to the waterfront. Every child matters.”
The event took place after weeks of debate about whether Canada Day celebrations should be cancelled or scaled back this year.
“Locally, the usual festival that would be held at Mariner’s Park was cancelled, the past COVID measures having put the event on hold weeks ago, though one senses that there was no real enthusiasm to ramp things up as those measures were scaled back and then eliminated in recent weeks,” the North Coast Review explains.
NorthCoast Drone wasn’t the only person shooting footage. Check out this awesome video of a drum drill.