OK, It’s Official: That Demented Story About 10,000 Chinese Troops In Rupert Is…False

Yeah, duh.

Source: leadstories.com

For the past week a crazy story has been going around that China is amassing tens of thousands of troops in Prince Rupert and Vancouver for an eventual invasion of the U.S. 

This bonkers tale would come as a surprise to anyone of sound mind living in Rupert, of course. But, just in case your batsh*t crazy neighbour was convinced it was true –a fact-checking site has now officially deemed that conspiracy theory totally false and a hoax

“No, that’s not true,” reads a new post on the fact-checking site Lead Stories. “Local and Canadian officials say there are no Chinese soldiers deployed in western Canada. The treaty cited in the claim does not include provisions that allow China to send military forces to Canada.”

The false claims were originally made by far-right wing-nut and U.S. radio host Hal Turner

“Hal Turner’s website has been caught spreading alarmist disinformation in the past, including a claim in December 2019 that the Virginia governor had ordered plans to cut off electricity, telephones, and Internet communications ahead of statewide gun confiscation during the new year,” Lead Stories writes. 

In the same post where Turner made his outrageous claims about Prince Rupert, he also speculated that west coast wildfires were being started by government laser beams.

We aren’t making this up! Read it here.  

Skeena Strong’s Facebook community had a fun time debunking Turner’s story. 

“That’s why I ordered Chinese food in Rupert and all restaurants are closed!!!! Went to Safeway and all out of ramen noodles as well ……. the horror,” wrote Kevin Ramey.

“I swear I have received no official order from the Chinese Government so until that time, I am a loyal subject of the Queen,” wrote Shawn Yeung. 

“Explains why it’s so hard to find an apartment in this town,” wrote Peter Collins. 

Written by The Skeena

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