The Latest Stats Show 2 Cases Of COVID-19 Recorded in Prince Rupert

But there could be more coming following Thanksgiving weekend.

Photo credit: K-J Millar - The Northern View

[This story originally appeared on The North Coast Review, a blog based in Prince Rupert that contains “items of interest to those living on the North Coast of BC.”]

The latest review of information from the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control indicates that as of the end of September, the Prince Rupert area had only 2 recorded cases of COVID-19 to report.

The findings which are available here from the BC CDC website, breakdown the COVID cases across Northwest British Columbia, a snapshot that provides a look at which areas have had the most impact from the virus to date.

Across the region the summer outbreak on Haida Gwaii marks the highest number west of Prince George at 27, followed by the Nechako region at 23, Smithers at 19 and Terrace at 18 cases.

Lesser amounts were recorded elsewhere in the northwest, with the Central Coast listing 5 cases, Kitimat recording 4 cases, Burns Lake 3, and the Nisga’a region 1 case.

Points North of the Nass Valley have so far recorded no cases of of COVID 19.

The real review of how Thanksgiving Weekend went however won’t be seen for a few weeks yet, when we will see if the traditional gathering of family and friends was limited to just a familiar bubble or if British Columbians chose to tempt the fates.

As of Friday, British Columbia had recorded 10,185 cases of COVID since January, with 1,406 cases still active. Northern Health has listed 230 cases of COVID so far since the virus first arrived.

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