Watch Unbelievable Footage Of Herring Spawning Off the BC Coast

Literally hundreds of thousands of fish.

Once a year one of the most amazing marine spectacles in the world takes place off the B.C. coast. That’s when literally millions of herring migrate from offshore to nearshore habitats to spawn en masse in one of nature’s most spectacular events. Coastal bays, inlets, and shoreline waters flow chalky white with herring milt and eggs. A new 4K video recently shot off Vancouver Island captures unbelievable visuals of the scene. 

“These fish are a huge factor in holding the bottom of the food chain together for the Pacific Northwest and the world’s coastal ecosystems,” reads a description of the video posted by the Skeena’s Captain Quinn.

“Almost every living coastal creature will take the opportunity to feed on herring including Orcas, Humpback whales, other dolphins, salmon, cod, halibut, countless, birds, sharks, tuna, seals, otters and so on. We need to let the herring thrive to help the rest of our oceans to thrive.”

One commenter sums it up best: “Nature is pretty neat.” Watch the video here.

Written by The Skeena

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