Dozens of high school students walked out of Kitimat’s Mount Elizabeth Secondary school this week to show their support for a Haisla student who was reportedly mocked by a teacher for wearing traditional regalia to class on picture day.
“The teacher asked him ‘what’s up with the costume today’ in front of the entire class,” the student’s stepfather Alex Grant told CFTK TV. “First, it’s not a costume, we take our regalia and our tradition very seriously.”

In response to the incident, “community members, residential school survivors, chiefs and matriarchs gathered at the school to show solidarity with the boy,” APTN News reports.
“This is not representative of that school and it’s not representative of the school district,” Janet Meyer, the superintendent for School District 82, said in response.

The Northern Sentinel reports that the incident “is currently under investigation by the school board, which is not releasing further details until the investigation is concluded.”